Sixth Form Teacher Translates Ground-breaking New Book into Polish

B6 Biology Teacher, Karolina Jercha has been busy recently translating a book from English into Polish.

The book was originally written by Karolina’s friend, Martin Sukenik who came to the UK from Slovakia in 2009. It follows Martin’s journey from arriving in the UK with very little to his current role as the founder and managing director of Rainbow NW Limited, a property which has sourced and completed over 220 properties since September 2019 with over £20 million of combined investment from overseas clients.

Speaking of Martin and his book, Karolina says:

“Martin came to the UK like me in 2009, with no English. His dream was to have his own business, my dream was to become a teacher.
The book is so inspirational, he talks about his ups and downs, how he managed to get a job in the warehouse (that's how me, my partner, him and his partner met and became best friends). While working in the warehouse he was studying books about business, I was at university studying Biology. We have a lot in common, especially loyalty and will to work hard to make our dreams come true. He wrote a book, he mentioned a lot about his Polish friends and people who helped him. He said it would be nice to have a Polish edition so they can see his appreciation in the book - hence, I decided to do it”

The introduction to the book states:

“Born in Slovakia, Martin's early life was marked by rebelliousness and a penchant for conflict, leading to unfortunate circumstances that landed him in prison at a young age. However, this pivotal moment became the catalyst for his transformation. Driven by a deep desire to change his life, Martin emerged from prison with a newfound determination and an unwavering loyalty to making a positive impact. He relocated to the United Kingdom, where he began a life-changing journey.
Through Martin's remarkable story, readers will gain valuable insights into the power of loyalty, determination, and personal growth. This captivating account serves as a testament to the transformative power of one's mindset and the importance of building lasting relationships in both business and life. "The Art of Loyalty" is a compelling read that will inspire readers to embrace change, pursue their dreams, and forge meaningful connections along the way.”

Congratulations to Karolina on her achievements. Order the book here.

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