At The Sixth Form, we aim to ensure all year 12 students undertake work experience in their first year of study in support of their academic achievement.

We assign specific weeks throughout the year for students to go out on work placements. Work experience is a vital part of a young person’s learning experience. It supports the academic skills they develop during their time here and allows them to acquire skills that cannot be taught in the classroom, ensuring they are work ready when it comes to seeking employment. Increasing numbers of employers and universities are looking for students to have relevant voluntary or work experience upon application to them. 

Benefits include:

  • Enhances a UCAS or Apprenticeship application

  • Provides greater insight into their desired career path

  • Builds links for future employment opportunities

  • Improves a CV

  • Builds your communication skills and provides an opportunity to work in a real work place with different people from      different backgrounds

  • Opportunity to receive feedback and guidance from experienced staff in the job or sector you wish to work in

  • Provides the opportunity to explore other career paths that may not have been considered

  • Gain a referee from a reputable company

  • Develop employability skills

Students are supported in securing their own work placements, as well as the B6 Careers Team advertising a number of existing high profile work experience opportunities for students to apply to, as they would for a job.

Work Experience Awards

Diamond Award
200 Hours

Students who achieve the Diamond Award will complete at least 200 hours work experience will usually be BTEC students who take part in the Industry Placement Programme. These students will undertake work placement for 14-28 weeks depending on whether they do 1 or 2 days.

As with the Diamond Award, Platinum students will complete 100 hours work experience through taking part in the Industry Placement Programme. This will usually be achieved by attending placement for 1 or 2 days per week for between 7 -14 weeks on the days they do not have lessons.

Platinum Award
100 Hours

Gold Award
100 Hours

The Gold Award will be awarded for 50 hours of work experience, this will generally be those students who have undertaken 2 weeks placement.

The Silver Award will be awarded to those students who complete 1 weeks work experience as part of their course or curriculum programme.

Silver Award
25 Hours

Bronze Award
8 Hours

Those students who undertake 1 day’s placement during their time at college will be awarded the Bronze Award.

We offer the opportunity for students to undertake significant work experience alongside their studies. We work with these students to help them secure meaningful placements where they will complete up to 200 hours of work experience. We anticipate that all students will achieve the Bronze Award as a minimum during their time at The Sixth Form Bolton.

Our Work Experience Awards are supported by a number of employers to provide students with the opportunity to undertake a substantial work placement alongside their studies. This will usually be achieved by attending placement for 1 or 2 days a week for an extended period, as many students have a timetable that allows for this, where they may only be expected in College for 3 or 4 day a week.

On these placements, students are treated as an employee and given real work to do, and will be appraised whilst on placement. This gives students substantial work experience for their CV or applications for work or study. Many of our students who have completed the Platinum Award in the past have gone on to secure:

  • Degree Apprenticeships at companies including Fujitsu and The Hut Group, due to their extensive work experience making them stand out

  • A portfolio of work showcasing projects they completed on placement

  • A full time job at their placement provider for when they finish The Sixth Form

  • A part time job with their placement provider to do alongside their university studies

  • A temporary paid summer job with their placement provider

  • A strong employer reference

  • A network of industry contacts

  • An offer to return for more work experience during their degree


Working alongside The Sixth Form to provide work placements can be extremely beneficial to employers. Working with us could enable you to develop a better understanding of the ever changing landscape of education and qualifications. Our students have a broad range of skills and interests and study a variety of over 50 subjects. Benefits include:

  • Providing staff with the opportunity to work in a supervisory role who may not usually have the chance

  • Scope for finding future long-term employment with successful students

  • Raises your company reputation in the local area

  • Students may introduce new ideas and a fresh perspective

  • Provide feedback and coaching to help students develop skills required in a particular job or sector

  • Help young people to develop their CV and build a vital network of contacts in their chosen industry

  • Opportunities to work with us for events such as Skills Day, Careers Day and World of Work Mock Interviews

Our students undertake work placements at various times throughout the year. This could be one or two days a week throughout the academic year or one/two full-time weeks in half term, summer, or other designated weeks.

We already work with many employers within Bolton and the Greater Manchester area who help us to enhance our students’ employability skills. If you feel can offer a work placement within your business, please contact our Careers Team on or 01204 846 215


students on work experience placement
students on work experience placement
students on work experience placement
students on work experience placement
students on work experience placement
students on work experience placement

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